Sharing conference of Hanny and Sara go to Nigeria

On 28th July, 2018, Zhengzhou Shuliy Machinery held a very grand sharing conference. The content shared is what manager Han and sara think of when they go to Nigeria. This time they went to Nigeria mainly to install a cashew nut production line for customers (bob) and to visit our old customers. Hanny and Sara went to Nigeria for 15 days. During this period, they helped customers install the cashew production line, and the machine was successfully debugged and produced smoothly. They spent the rest of my time visiting old customers.


  In order to thank Hanny and Sara for coming to Nigeria to install and debug machines, Bob introduced many customers. During the period in Nigeria, Hanny and Sara talked about a lot of business. Many customers ordered peanut baking machines, peanut butter production lines and peanut slicers.

General Manager Hanny shared with us many interesting things in Nigeria. He told us that the local people are very friendly and only eat one meal a day. All the work of African people is handmade. Their living conditions are equivalent to the conditions of China in the 1980s and 1990s. Let us tell us to cherish our hard-won living conditions. Grateful for the motherland.